One who goes along with Ayurvedic treatments will know about the importance of PANCHA KARMA which means “Five Karmas” which will be important for maintaining the Body equilibrium.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pancha karma include ,

1. Vasthi

2. Vamana

3. Virechna

4. Nasyam

5. Raktha moksha

Benefits of Pancha Karma

  • Diseases will be cured by root itself.
  • Body’s immune system will be enhanced.
  • Restores body’s equilibrium and increases vital body power.
  • General all body ailments will be in “Samya avastha” means balanced stage. 



A purificatory procedure to eliminate the disease. Medicated oil will be given through anal route. This is found very effective in Parkinsonism, backache and paralysis.


This is mainly indicated for curing the disease caused by “Kapha dosha” means indicated in pulmonary diseases like cough, cold and skin diseases. Before this procedure body is prepared by “Snehana” and “Swedana”.


This is advice in case of “ Pitha dosha” in which medicines will be given by oral route.Mild laxatives will be given mainly in skin diseases mainly psoriasis and allergies.


Nasyam, which means pouring, medicated oil through the nasal route. Which is indicated for all diseases above the neck portion. This treatment found to be effective in all kinds of headache, allergies, loss of memory, convulsions and eye and ear problems.Nose was the opening of head so Nasya treatment which is very effective.


This a treatment procedure in which vitiated blood will be eliminated from the body by using different methods.